The Money Shelf – Bookstore

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An online bookstore promoting self-education in key areas of financial & economic literacy. bookstore serves as a resource hub for those seeking focused information, expert advice and an exchange of ideas amongst like-minded individuals.


This idea of curated books and resources would require coordination with major book distribution companies, plus a collaborative relationship with numerous industry professionals.

An ecommerce platform had to be selected to build out the website store. Then, outreach to establish business accounts with distributors was put into place. Finally, some creative outreach to identify a handful of industry professionals who would agree to support the effort.


We brought in a qualified web designer-developer to build out the website store with the desired bells and whistles. Then hired an army of virtual assistants to help populate and build out the sizable book database. This was particularly labor intense because it required imagery editing, copy editing, pricing structure, etc.


A multiphase marketing strategy was created based on measured growth expectations and available budget. Using built in analytics, we continuously measure, evaluate and adjust as we slowly build up the customer database.


  • Client:The Money Shelf - Bookstore
  • Project Type:development, marketing, analytics, growth


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